2020 – The Year Working From Home Became Real

I have been working from home for over twelve years and was reflecting on how much I have accomplished and what has changed in that time. 2020 was a game changer for the work from home world. Due to Covid-19, working from home has become a real thing! People are now realizing that technology makes working from home possible. It’s a huge change from when I started. So many people thought I was going to be scammed or that I didn’t have a “real” job.  I was thinking about my very first job as an expiditor for ChaCha. I was making two cents a question to categorize questions for the now closed human powered search engine. This amounted to $2.00-$3.00 hour, but I was happy to be started. I was happy to have my first work from home job and I was happy to put that change in a virtual jar because it does add up. I only had the expiditor job for 2 weeks before I got my first client on Upwork and started working as a freelancer. I am so thankful for the experience and the journey I started by taking that very first job. When I took those first jobs  I had no idea what I was starting.

I Was Starting a Business

I didn’t realize I was starting a business, My goal was to make some side money. $500.00 a month was my goal back when I started. I didn’t know at that time that I was starting a business as a self employed entrepreneur! This allowed me to scale my business and choose clients that are right for me. I can seek out new or higher paying clients at any time. I can increase or decrease the amount of hours I am working. I can say no to jobs I don’t want. I can choose my own days and times that I take off (within reason of my clients needs of course!) I make more than side money now. I can support my family completely financially.

I Would be Invited to Travel

I have been invited to travel to my client’s events and businesses! How cool is that! I’ve had two clients invite me to travel. When I started with my very first job, making two cents a question, I never imagined that I would be invited to fly to California or Florida. This past year I was gifted a trip with my spouse to Arizona for a client’s retreat. I have seen a few job listings recently that require or invite you to attend or work at live events. If this is something you think would be cool to do…it’s possible! 

I Would Have Opportunities to Work With All Kinds of People and Companies

I have met and worked with amazing people from around the world. None of my clients are geographically close to me. Working from home has opened the entire world to me. I have been able to work with big and small businesses, start ups to national companies and those who are at the top of their field. I never realized what an opportunity this would be to learn and grow! I am grateful to all of my clients for trusting me with their businesses. They have encouraged, coached, taught and shared with me along the way. 

I have learned so much and have not only remained relevant with up to date work skills, but I have thrived in my career while being able to stay home.

I Would Start a Site to Teach Other Moms How to Work From Home

When I started, I didn’t know that I could impact other moms and help them find the same freedom I have. It makes my heart happy to share everything I have learned. It is so awesome to see other moms take advantage of the options and opportunities they have to work from home. It’s exciting to see a mom create financial security for herself and her family.

When other moms ask me if working from home is real or if you can really earn an income I say YES!  It is real and you can earn an income, but that is just a small part. There are opportunities you would not have ever considered. Opportunities to learn new skills, improve yourself and work with people and companies that are doing awesome things! There is no constraint due to geographical limitations. You can work with anyone, anywhere. This opens the world up to you! Working from home has become so much more than just work! Of course there are jobs where you log in at your scheduled time, do your work and log out. It is nothing exciting and you are just putting in time, but there are clients and opportunities out there that are the exact opposite. It all depends on what you want. You have complete freedom to create your work from home experience. 

I Would be Doing Something New

Working as a Virtual Assistant has been an amazing experience for over twelve years! For 2021 I am ready for a new journey. Blogging! Blogging is another way to create a business and work from home. I don’t know a thing about blogging so I gifted myself a blogging course. Heather and Pete Reese at www.ItsALovelyLife.com have a free 5 day crash course and Facebook group that helped me to launch www.TheRealWorkFromHomeMom.com. I am so excited to take a full blogging course from someone who has been there and done it and has the same passion for helping others learn as I do! I decided to invest in myself and fast forward the process! I don’t want to learn about blogging by trial and error. I just want to learn everything I need to know to get started blogging in one spot. I’m excited for a new creative direction in 2021!

What Do You Want to Start in 2021?

I share my experience with you today in hopes that you will take the first steps to land your first work from home job and start on the work from home journey. You know you want to! That is why you are reading this!  If you are already working from home, I hope you gain clarity on your goals and achieve more than you ever imagined! 

How can I help? What are your goals? Post below or send me an email! Becky@TheRealWorkFromHomeMom.com.

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