What it Takes to Work From Home

work from home

Working from home is a dream come true for many moms. The desire to work from home is in many mom’s hearts. Moms desire to stay home with the children and the family, yet still supply income to the family’s budget. Working from home can be a unique and fulfilling adventure.

Do YOU Have What it Takes to Work from Home?

This is often the question asked by many mothers when considering the possibility of working from home. The answer is really simple and straightforward. If you have patience, persistence, and endurance, YOU CAN work from home.

Patient Expectations

Having patience is needed when taking the work from home journey. In the beginning, it may seem like an impossible task. Patience is needed to prepare yourself, as well as your family. For some, working from home will be a major change. Some families will accept the change with very little challenges. Other families will wonder if they have made the right decision. If you are a patient person, then you are already one step ahead. If you are not, then patience will be needed along the way.

Persistence Pays Off

When deciding to start working from home, persistence will be needed. For some individuals, it will be needed from the very beginning. For others, it will be needed later on.

Why do you need persistence? Persistence will help when getting started, when preparing your office space, while creating multiple cover letters and resumes, and to continue with interviewing when things have gone wrong.

There are times when all the things of the outside world seem to interfere with your dream to work from home. You may become weary at times, and need persistence to push through the tasks at hand. In the long run, persistence will pay off.

Endurance Wins

Endurance is the ability to go forward when things are difficult. Making a decision to work from home can be a very life changing experience. When things are tough, endurance will allow you to continue on your journey, even when life gets you down.

Endurance allows you to bear “pain” when you apply for what seems like the job of a lifetime and it does not come through. It is the ability to tolerate the discomfort when an employer has spoken to you in an unprofessional way. Endurance provides the strength to continue on your journey REGARDLESS of what you are feeling for that day.

The Ability to Relax

One last area to consider when working from home, is do you have the ability to relax and let go of your work for the day. Many times, working from home brings constant reminders to us (throughout the day) of all the things that need to be done, that are WORK related. Your mind may not allow you to rest, because it is reminding you of all the things you need to do to ACCOMPLISH your work.

When working from home, you must have the ability to walk away from your computer and work “mentality.” If you do not do this, you will become tired and weary. At night, you must rest.

It is possible to come to a place of REST at home, while not working. Practice relaxing in a variety of ways. Close the door to your office area and do not enter, if possible. Shut your computer down, so that it is not so convenient to check your business email. Leave the house for a while by yourself, or with the family. Occupy your mind with other things, such as listening to your favorite music. This will help your mind to stay “busy” with something else.

The ability to relax is a MUST in your life. Taking time away from the mental status of WORK FROM HOME MOM is an important skill to develop. Survival depends on patience, persistence, and endurance when working your own business, especially when working in your own living environment.

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