My Best Work From Home Advice for Moms

I have been a stay at home/work from home mom for over ten years. I have home-schooled my kids and worked with a spouse at home. On some days it is still tough. Working from home is not at all the same as working from the office. With shelter in place orders many are experiencing the work from home world for the first time and are completely overwhelmed. I totally get it! Here is my best advice for moms that are new to working from home.

Self Care

You may be thinking how awesome it is to work in your pajamas . It TOTALLY is awesome to be able to wake up and go directly to work. No work clothes or uniforms, no make up or perfectly styled hair… you can work how you are most comfortable. This is great and one of the best parts about working from home, but it can be also be a slippery slope! If you are not careful you might find that you are questioning when you last showered!

Enjoy your new found freedom, but be sure you don’t lose yourself. Take care of yourself and pamper yourself. Be sure you take time to paint your nails, use your favorite perfume and get some fresh air and exercise. Taking care of your physical and mental self is important when you work from home. Self care also allows you to be your best self so you can give to your family.

Enlist Help

Even with social distancing your immediate family can help. Can your spouse or older kids cook dinner? Does everyone do their part to keep the home clean and running? If not, it is time to make some changes. Talk with your family about the help you need to be able to work from home. Ask them for their support and ideas. When your family comes up with an idea…try it! It may not be perfect or what you would prefer, but it’s a win if the job gets done.

Do you have other family members that can help virtually? Can Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles read stories, play games or visit virtually with younger kids online? Can you set up a video link with Grandma so she can help babysit while you are working? Having an extra eye on the kids makes it easier for you to concentrate.

Be Flexible

Can you work from home in hour or two hour blocks? It’s a good idea to spend some quality time with your kids before you start working. They are less likely to be needy while you are working. Also, let them know when you will be done and what you will be doing. “I will be taking a break at 10:45. I want to see the picture you are coloring and we’ll have a snack.” Kids feel better when they know what is upcoming and they are more likely to let you work in peace if they know they will be getting some mom time.

I have read some posts from Mom’s that are struggling because their boss does not understand that they can not work a straight 8 hour day and be able to meet their kids minimum needs throughout the day. If this is you, please talk with your boss and see if you can find a solution. Can you split your day and work before the kids are up or after they go to sleep? Can you have a longer work day with more frequent or longer breaks so you can attend to your family’s needs? Everyone’s work from home environment is different and it is important to ask for what you need to be successful.

Set Work From Home Hours

When you are off of work, be off work! It can be hard to draw the line between work and home when it is all the same. It is important to take time off. When you are not working, turn off your computer and refrain from checking in or checking emails.

You need time away from work and time to tend to yourself, your home and family. TAKE THIS TIME!

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